Thursday, February 28, 2013

Baby Glossery

Hello, and welcome! Today we are going to be discussing some common terms that may not be very well known to those outside of the baby having/babysitting/nannying circle.

Do you have little opportunity to be around young children? Are you often confused by the things parents or caretakers of those children say?  Does it sometimes all seem like a foreign language? If so, this post is for you!!

Warning: this post is not for the weak.

  • Dead Cheerio (n.) - A Cheerio that has been half eaten or picked up with soggy little fingers and discarded, creating a mushy, sticky thing that sticks to a young child's clothes.  Also can be used by said child for retaliation by throwing a dead cheerio onto the floor to be stepped on by his caretaker.

    "Child! You have dead Cheerios all over your pants like polka dots!"

    "UGH! I stepped on a dead cheerio and it's stuck to my foot!"
  • Eeky Hair (n.) - Hair that has been freshly toweled off after a bath and is standing on end all crazy like.  Must be shown to every member of the house and each person must say "EEK!" appropriately and with enthusiasm. 

    "EEEEEK!!!! Look at that Eeky Hair!!"
  • Poop-aggedon (n.) - A poop of epic proportions that comes out of the diaper, onto the child and his clothing. More typically occurring in younger babies.  Frequently requires a bath as poop mysteriously always seems to get in the baby's hair.

    "Sister! Go start the bathtub! Poop-aggedon is upon us!!! How did it get in his hair???"

    Variations include: Poop-splosion, and Poop-opocolypse. 
    Synonym: Blowout

  • Soggy Baby (n.) - Contrary to popular belief, this term does not allude to a wet diaper.  Instead, it is when a baby relaxes completely and snuggles up against you.  Most frequently occurs after a long nap, when the baby has woken up but not entirely. 

    "Ohh, what a sweet, soggy baby laying on me so sweetly. I wish he'd never move."

Spring Fever Without the Break

This is my second year without a Spring Break.  For the vast percentage of my life, I've had a spring break every year.  Let me tell you, it is WEIRD that first year when you don't get one and you have to go to work every morning and watch all the other kids getting a spring break and going home and relaxing and reading 18 books and dipping their toes in the water at the beach. 

(Wait... most kids don't read 18 books on their spring break?   Well, let's just say I promise I traveled more on my spring breaks than they did. And to better places. And, honestly, with better company.)

Anyway,  it's not really as bad for me this year as I don't have a typical 9-5 job at the moment. I get to play with and get beat up by the cutest one year old currently on the planet.  (Side note: I cannot and will not believe he's already one.  It's not happening. He's still the tiny, squishy, sleepy little baby I first met last July.... He can just pull up on furniture and is trying to speak now... that's all... right?)  So, even if I don't get the recommended daily allotment of sleep, I still have it pretty good.  I mean, I wear makeup maybe twice a week. 

My question is, at what point does it stop being weird not to have a Spring Break?  (For all of ya'll who AREN'T teachers, ya butts.) Is it something you eventually get used to and then don't care about anymore? Or is it something you still long for deep in your heart every year as winter draws to a close?  There's something to be said for transitions.  Spring break has always been that for me. Winter is officially over and Spring is officially here, regardless of what the weather does.  Let me know what you think! Maybe I'll have to plan my own "spring break" every year and save up my time off. :)